Analyzing Snow White

                    ~Snow White~
            Brothers Grimm vs. Disney

            Snow White was the movie that Walt Disney became known for. It was the start of his career, but did he stick with the Brothers Grimm version that he was supposedly basing this movie on? The answer would be, sort of. They do contain similarities, however, there are differences between the two stories being told.
            Walt Disney was just beginning his career when he released his animated Snow White movie in 1937, so it makes sense he switched up a few things. He was smart and took a story that people would recognize but made it his own. He did this so people would be able to see that he was not just simply repeating a well-known story, but he was showing he has a great imagination that can help create a slightly new but familiar story. Walt kept the main characters that the Brothers Grimm wrote about such as Snow White, the Evil Queen, dwarves, and the huntsman. But he gave the dwarves names, and even made animals help Snow White more than they ever did in the original story.

            A significant difference that Walt Disney chose to make was that he made Snow White go into her temporary slumber by eating the apple that the disguised queen gave her. Now this is done in the story by the Brothers Grimm, but the queen actually tricks Snow White three times before successfully putting her to sleep. Adding something like this would have made the Disney story more interesting I believe, for it would have added more depth. Disney does add more character development in the story by using the dwarves. He gives them all names and unique traits, and we also are able to see into their lives as being miners. 
             Within the Disney movie, the prince is introduced at the beginning and also shows up at the end to save Snow White by giving her a true loves kiss. Whereas in the story written by the Brothers Grimm, the prince only showed up at the very end of the story and was simply going to take Snow White and the coffin back with him to his castle and only accidently unlodged the poisoned apple from her throat when her coffin was being relocated. Of course once Snow White wakes up, the prince claims that he loves her and they get married, but there is a difference as to if him waking her up is intentional or not.


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