The fairytale Rapunzel


     The tale Rapunzel is a well told fairytale put together by the Brothers Grimm. This tale is about how two parents were expecting a child and the mother wanted some lettuce called rapunzel. The witch who had this food next door. The witch took the daughters once she was born and then held her captive in a tower and never let her leave. One day, however, there was a prince that found her in her tower and he convinced her to let him come up. Rapunzel ended up accidentally telling Mother Gothel, the witch, that she was "heavier than the prince" and so she was found out. The prince was tricked and then jumped out the window and blinded, and Rapunzel was stranded on an island. Eventually, the prince made his way to Rapunzel, and they rode off to his kingdom with the twins Rapunzel ended up having.

     Now, there have been numerous adaptations of this story. There have been movies, cartoons, and plays all done to retell this story. Suprise Cartoon made a video on YouTube that is about Rapunzel. IT is called, "Rapunzel bedtime story cartoon | Surprise Cartoon Rapunzel Story." 
This video is telling the story in the traditional and yet new way. Most of the key elements are there but there are small things that they changed. The parents of Rapunzel was a king and queen, Rapunzel was given her name due to her beauty, etc. They chose the end the story when the prince came and saw Rapunzel and then he fought the witch and them they both left, making it more child friendly. 


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