Blog Entry 10

What have I learned in this class and by doing these blogs? 

                                In doing these blogs week after week, and having to analyze each fairy tale has   

                                taught me that none of the stories are one layered. They all have deep meaning a

                               and were told to tell and teach a story. Hollywood has recognized and taken some

                               of these stories due to their value. They may have changed it as the audience they

                              are trying to reach has changed, but the main idea and morals of the story are often

                              times still found. For the meaning behind some of the stories is more 

                              psychological and impactful than some may know. Stories like Snow White, and

                            Cinderella I know more fully understand and can see why someone came up with 

                           that story. For they are showing the maturing child, the way that beauty is a possible

                             source of unconscious jealousy, and so on. 


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