Extra Credit Blog on Philosophy Day

Thursday, November 21 is World Philosophy Day

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), proclaimed this day as a National Day. This day is always celebrated on the third Thursday of November. This day was celebrated to give people an opportunity to discuss ideas and explore less talked about topics. For by doing this, new debates are sparked and some good discussions can be brought up.

McDaniel College celebrates this day by presenting a talk that covers discussion on climate change that is happening all around the world and similar events happening all around the globe.

The school also provided brochures that talked about how philosophy would be a strong major for any student. And how, not only does it make an interesting major, but it typically pays quite well. Not only that, but they talked about some useful jobs that would be available to those that had a philosophy major.

We were also introduced to some of the Philosophy professors and all the professors of the various departments were talked about or can be found on one of the brochures that were available. 


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